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2. 將70克江魚仔洗淨瀝乾。Wash and drain 70g of anchovies.
3. 加入150克粘米粉,50克木薯粉,一茶匙孜然粉到盆中。Add in 150g rice flour, 50g tapioca flour, and 1tsp of cumin powder into a big bowl.
4. 加入一茶匙小茴香,一茶匙鹽,半茶匙白胡椒粉。Add in 1tsp fennel powder, 1tsp salt, and 1/2tsp of white pepper.
5. 加入半湯匙白砂糖,10克蒜蓉。Add in 1/2tbsp of sugar and 10g of minced garlic.
6. 加入一顆全蛋,200毫升水和150毫升椰奶。Add in one whole egg, 200ml water, and 150ml of coconut milk.
7. 攪拌均勻。Stir until well combined and smooth.
8. 開火加熱(連同模具一起),用木筷子測試1熱度,筷子邊冒出泡泡後把火轉至中小火就可以開始炸了。拿出一個模具加入一湯匙麵糊,一點江魚仔,2-3顆花生。Heat up the oil (together with the mould) until the bubbles came out from the chopstick and turn it to medium-low heat. Take out one of the mould and add in 1tbsp of batter, some anchovies, 2-3 peanuts.
9. 浸入熱油中等(20秒左右)脆餅脫模具,換另一個模具繼續下一片,兩個模具相互切換這樣可確保每次加入麵糊前模具是熱的。Deep into hot oil and wait (20sec) until it detached from the mould itself and change anther mould for next piece of rempeyek, keep changing between two moulds could make sure mould is heated up everytime before adding the batters.
10. 炸至金黃色,重複做完所有麵糊(約75片)。Fry until golden brown and repeat the steps until the batter is finished (around 75pcs).
11. 完成。Done.
1. 模具一定要夠熱才能加入麵糊,不然會黏在模具上無法脫模,出來的脆餅是厚不夠脆的。Rempeyek will stick to the mould, became thick and not so crispy if the mould is not heated up so make sure you don't skip this step everytime before you pour in the batter.
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