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1. 準備250克排骨,切小塊(約1-1.5寸)。加入兩湯匙玉米澱粉或麵粉,搓揉至每一塊排骨都均勻沾上澱粉。沖洗3-5次至肉變白色。Prepare 250g of pork ribs and cut into small pieces (around 1-1.5 inches). Add in 2tbsps pf corn starch or plain flour to the ribs and massages to make sure ribs are evenly coated with the starch. Rinse the ribs 3-5 times until it turns to white colour meat.2. 在鍋裡加入一湯匙油,一湯匙蒜蓉,一湯匙豆豉,翻炒爆香。Add 1tbso of oil, 1tbsp of minced garlic, 1tbsp of fermented black beans into a frying pan and stir-fry until fragrant.
3. 加入1/4茶匙鹽,半茶匙白砂糖,一茶匙蠔油,半湯匙紹興酒到排骨。Add in 1/4tsp of salt, 1/2tsp of granulated sugar, 1tsp of oyster sauce and 1/2tbsp of shaoxing wine to the ribs.
4. 攪拌均勻。Mix it well.
5. 把蒜蓉豆豉加入攪拌均勻。Add in garlic black bean sauce and stir well.
6. 加入一湯匙玉米澱粉攪拌均勻。蓋上醃製至少30分鐘。Add in 1tbsp of corn starch and mix it well. Cover and marinate for at least 30 minutes.
7. 把排骨排入碟子裡,不要重疊。Transfer ribs into a plate and make sure do not overlap the ribs.
8. 大火蒸15分鐘。灑上點青蔥和紅辣椒做裝飾。Steam on high heat for 15 minutes. Garnish with chopped spring onion and red chillies.
9. 完成。Done
1. 加入澱粉可更好吸住肉裡面的髒物和血水。確保沖洗足夠去除排骨血水,這樣出來的口味更鮮甜不會腥。Adding corn starch helps absorb blood in ribs better. Make sure you rinse enough to wash away the blood in ribs, this helps improve the flavour.
2. 爆香過的蒜蓉豆豉更香更好吃。Stir fry the garlic and black beans will improve the flavour, more fragrant so make sure you don't skip this step.
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