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1. 準備蝶豆花/蘭花汁,將30朵蝶豆花和100毫升水煮沸騰,取汁備用。Prepare the butterfly pea flower juice by boiling around 30pcs of butterfly pea flower and 100ml water until you get a dark blue juice. Strain out the juice, and set aside.3. 糯米加入120毫升椰漿,100毫升水,一茶匙鹽,攪拌均勻。Add in 120ml of coconut milk, 100ml of water, 1tsp of salt and stir it well.
4. 加入兩片斑蘭葉,大火蒸大約20分鐘。Place 2pcs of pandan on top and steam over high heat for around 20 minutes.
5. 加入3茶匙蝶豆花汁到一部分的糯米,繼續蒸10分鐘。Add 3tsp butterfly pea flower juice to part of the rice and continue to steam for 10 minutes more.
6. 取出斑蘭葉,用筷子翻鬆糯米飯,倒入另一個容器用湯匙壓實(建議:湯匙沾點水可防黏方便壓實)。Discard pandan leaves, fluff the rice with chopstick, transfer to another tray, and press until firm with a spoon (Tip: Dip the spoon with some water to prevent sticky).
7. 390克金瓜切小塊,跟3片斑蘭葉(自選)一起大火蒸15分鐘左右至軟。Cut 390g pumpkin into smaller pieces and steam with 3pcs of pandan leaves (optional) over high heat for around 15 minutes until soft.
8. 取出斑蘭葉,打拌至細膩。Discard pandan leaves and blend it until smooth.
9. 加入90克白砂糖,1/4茶匙鹽,110毫升椰漿,攪拌均勻。Add in 90g of granulated sugar, 1/4tsp of salt, 110ml of coconut milk and mix it well.
10. 加入50克普通麵粉,45克玉米粉,攪拌均勻。Add in 50g of plain flour, 45g of corn flour, mix well.
11. 過篩金瓜糊在糯米飯上。Sift the pumpkin mixture on top of glutinous rice.
12. 中小火蒸約50分鐘左右。Steam on medium low heat for around 50 minutes.
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