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1. 盆中放入80克轉化糖漿,30克油,兩茶匙食用鹼水,攪拌均勻。Place 80g of golden syrup, 30g of oil, 2tsp of alkaline water in a bowl and mix well.
2. 加入150克低筋麵粉並混合均勻。用保鮮膜包裹休面一小時(室內溫度)。Add in 150g of cake flour and mix all together with a spatula. Wrap with plastic wrap and let it rest for 1hr (room temperature).
3. 準備8顆鹹蛋黃並1用玫瑰花露酒去腥。150度烤約4-6分鐘。Prepare 8pcs of salted egg yolk and use rose wine to remove the smell of egg yolk. Bake for 4-6 minutes at 150 degrees celsius.
4. 紅/黑豆沙餡加上鹹蛋黃共80克。鹹蛋黃包入豆沙餡內,搓圓。Measure red/black paste filling with salted egg yolk to a total weight of 80g. Wrap egg yolk inside of the bean paste filling. Make it round shape.
5. 麵糰分8份(一個約30克),桿平。Divide the dough into 8pcs (30g/pc) and flatten it.
6. 將每個豆沙蛋黃餡包入每個小麵團裡,搓圓。Wrap bean paste egg yolk filling inside each small dough and make it round.
7. 模具上沾些麵粉再敲出多餘的麵粉。將月餅放入模具內按壓幾次讓紋路更清晰。Dust the mold with some flour and knock out the excess flour. Place the mooncake inside the mold and press several times to make the pattern clearer.
8. 在表面噴一些水防止裂開。180度烤約10分鐘。Spray some water on top to prevent cracking. Bake for 10 minutes at 180 degrees celsius.
9. 將一顆蛋黃和一茶匙水混合均勻。從烤箱取出月餅刷上蛋液。Mix well one egg yolk with 1tsp of water. Take out mooncake from the oven and brush some egg wash on top.
10. 放入烤箱180度再烤10分鐘。Bake for another 10 minutes at 180 degrees celsius.
11. 完成。Done.
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