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1. 150克餅乾,我這裡用的是奇福餅乾,把每一片的餅乾都對半折。150g of biscuits. Break every piece of biscuit into half into a big bowl.
3. 在不沾鍋裡加入50克無鹽奶油,小火攪拌至完全融化。Melt 50g of unsalted butter over a non-stick wok at low heat.
4. 加入180克棉花糖,小火融化。Add in 180g of marshmallow, melt at low heat.
5. 記得不停攪拌幫助融化均勻。Keep stirring until the marshmallow is completely melted and the surface is smooth.
6. 加入50克奶粉。Add in 50g of milk powder.
7. 攪拌至奶粉吃進去,棉花糖光滑滑順。Keep stirring until it is smooth.
8. 倒入處理好的蔓越莓乾餅乾,快速翻拌均勻,確保所有餅乾都粘上了棉花糖。Pour in biscuits and cranberries and stir promptly to mix them well. Make sure every piece of the biscuit is coated well with the marshmallow.
9. 倒入鋪好烘焙紙的烘烤盤,用另一張烘焙紙,刮板整成雪花酥形狀。Transfer it to a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Use another parchment paper and a cake scraper to fix the shape.
10. 盡量整成表面平滑的方形,我這裡是大約2.5cm左右的厚度,整好形後放入冰箱冷藏至少一小時。It should be a flat surface and square in shape with a thickness of 2.5cm. Refrigerate it for at least one hour.
11. 一小時後取出,我這裡切大約一塊3cm左右。Take it out from the fridge and cut into chunks, approximately 3cm x 3cm per piece.
12. 篩完成,裹上奶粉可防黏比較好收藏。Done. Coat with milk powder to prevent a sticky surface.
1. 小火醬棉花糖融化,大火怕不好控制。Remember to keep in low heat.
2. 加入蔓越莓乾餅乾要快速攪拌,怕棉花糖會慢慢變硬導致很難混合均勻。Marshmallow will harden after time so make sure to stir promptly after biscuits and cranberries are added.
3. 從鍋裡移出來後,要趕快整形,避免棉花糖冷卻變硬很難塑形。Shape quickly after transferred from the wok as the marshmallow will become hard after time.
4. 一定要冷藏足夠時間不然切出來的方形不完整影響外觀。Make sure to chill in the fridge before cutting it. This could make the shape perfectly square in shape.
5. 如要收藏建議一定要裹上奶粉防止兩塊黏在一起。Milk powder-coated helps you in keeping as it prevents sticking.
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