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2. 切碎一顆大蔥。Chop one red onion.
3. 先準備好一湯匙醬油,一湯匙蠔油,半湯匙黑醬油,兩湯匙白砂糖,半茶匙鹽,半茶匙五香粉,1/4茶匙白胡椒粉,攪拌均勻。Prepare 1tbsp of soy sauce and oyster sauce, 1/2tbsp of dark soy sauce, 2tbsp of granulated sugar, 1/2tsp of salt and five-spice powder, 1/4tsp of white pepper, stir well.
4. 半至一湯匙玉米粉加上一湯匙水,攪拌均勻。Mix 1/2-1tbsp of cornflour with 1tbsp of water and stir it well.
5. 燒熱油,爆香蒜米和大蔥至大蔥變軟。加入豬肉碎炒至熟。Heat up 2tbsp of oil, add in minced garlic, chopped onion, and stir fry until onion soften. Add in minced pork and stir fry until the meat turns white.
6. 倒入調味料,60克青豆。Add in seasoning and 60g of green peas.
7. 加入澱粉水(攪拌均勻再倒入)攪拌至濃稠。放涼。Add in cornflour water (stir well before you pour in) and stir until thickened. Leave it cool.
8. 加入200克中筋麵粉,20克白砂糖,60克白油,100毫升水到一個大盆中。Add in 200g of all-purpose flour, 20g of granulated sugar, 60g of shortening, and 100mk of water into a big bowl.
9. 攪拌均勻揉成麵團。用保鮮膜包裹緊密放入冰箱冷藏30分鐘。Mix well and knead into a dough. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
10. 放入150克中筋麵粉,100克白油到大盆裡。Add in 150g of all-purpose flour and 100g of shortening into a big bowl.
11. 攪拌混合成團。用保鮮膜包裹緊密放入冰箱冷藏30分鐘。Mix into a dough. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
12. 水皮油皮都分14-15份,水皮一個約25克,油皮一個約15克。Divide water dough and oil dough into 14-15pcs, around 25g for each piece of water dough and 15g for each piece of oil dough.
13. 將油皮包入水皮裡。參考視頻裡的做法重複捲起兩次。靜置麵團20分鐘。Wrap oil dough inside of water dough. Roll up twice as shown in the video. Rest the dough for 20 minutes.
14. 拿出一個麵團參考視頻做法擀成扁圓形。Take out one of the dough and roll it into a flat round shape as shown in the video.
15. 包入餡料,大約半至一湯匙。Wrap in 1/2-1tbsp of filling.
16. 刷上蛋液,放入烤箱180度烤約15分鐘。Apply one layer of egg wash and bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees celsius.
17. 從烤箱拿出再刷上第二次蛋液,灑上白芝麻。放入烤箱再烤20-25分鐘。Take out from the oven and apply second layer of egg wash and sprinkle some white sesame seed on top. Bake for another 20-25 minutes.
18. 完成。Done.
1. 可用白油,豬油,牛油任意一種。You may use either shortening, pork lard, or butter in this recipe.
2. 蛋液刷兩次,燒包更好看可口,不建議省略這個步驟。Two layers of egg wash make your siew pau taste good and look even good so make sure you don't skip this step.
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