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1. 用攪拌器打70克蜜紅豆和50毫升鮮奶至順滑。Blend 70g of sweetened red beans with 150ml of fresh milk until smooth and silky.
2. 把160毫升椰漿,60毫升鮮奶油,50克白砂糖,和紅豆泥倒入鍋裡。Place 160ml of coconut milk, 60ml of whipping cream, 50g of granulated sugar and red bean mixture together into a cooking pot.
3. 用中小火煮至沸騰(不停攪拌)熄火。Bring to boil on medium low flame (keep stirring) and turn off the heat.
4. 加入80克蜜紅豆和玉米澱粉水(混合10克玉米粉和15毫升水)。Add in 80g of sweetened red beans and corn starch water (10g of corn starch mix with 15ml of water).
5. 中小火繼續煮至濃稠(不停攪拌)。Continue to cook on medium low heat until thicken (keep stirring).
6. 裝入任何冰棒模具冷凍6小時左右。Transfer the mixture into any ice cream mould and freeze around 6 hours.
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