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1. 將200克雞腿肉切塊。Prepare 200g of chicken thighs (Diced).
2. 加入半湯匙醬油、3/4湯匙蠔油、半湯匙紹興酒、半湯匙麻油、一茶匙黑曬油、半至一茶匙胡椒粉。Add in 1/2tbsp of soy sauce, 3/4tbsp of oyster sauce, 1/2tbsp of shaoxing wine, 1/2tbsp of sesame oil, 1tsp of dark soy sauce, and 1/2-1tsp of white pepper.
3. 攪拌均勻。加入一湯匙玉米澱粉拌勻。溫水浸泡4朵香菇。Mix it well. Add in 1tbsp of corn starch and stir it well, Soak 4pcs of dried mushroom with warm water.
4. 200克糯米(浸泡6小時或隔夜)加入半湯匙醬油、3/4湯匙蠔油、半湯匙麻油、一茶匙黑曬油、半湯匙胡椒粉。攪拌均勻。Add in 1/2tbsp of soy sauce, 3/4tbsp of oyster sauce, 1/2tbsp of sesame oil, 1tsp of dark soy sauce, and 1/2tsp of white pepper, mix all well.
5. 將6瓣蒜米、一茶匙姜搗碎。一條臘腸切片備用。Mince 6 cloves of garlic and 1tsp of ginger. Slice one chinese sausage.
6. 鍋裡加入一湯匙豬油,加入臘腸片煎香起鍋備用。Heat up 1tbsp of pork lard, add in sliced sausage and saute until fragrant.
7. 中小火爆香薑蒜末。加入調味糯米繼續中火炒香。Saute minced garlic and ginger. Add in seasoned glutinous rice, stir it until fragrant.
8. 將香菇蒂去掉。Remove mushroom stalk.
9. 將醃製後的雞肉、香菇、臘腸、炒香的糯米裝入小碗並壓實。再倒入3湯匙左右的香菇水。Assemble marinated chicken, mushroom, chinese sausage into a small bowl, then fill in the sauteed glutinous rice and press it gently.
10. 大火蒸50分鐘至一小時。Steam on high heat for 50-60mins.
11. 完成。Done.
醬油 半湯匙
蠔油 3/4湯匙
紹興酒 半湯匙
麻油 半湯匙
黑曬油 一茶匙
胡椒粉 半至一茶匙
玉米澱粉 一湯匙
醬油 半湯匙
蠔油 3/4湯匙
麻油 半湯匙
黑曬油 一茶匙
胡椒粉 半茶匙
薑末 一茶匙
薑末 一茶匙
臘腸 一條
豬油 ㄧ湯匙
Glutinous Rice 200g (soaked 6 hours or overnight)
Dried mushroom 4pcs (soak with warm water)
[Marinate Chicken]
Chicken thighs 200g (Diced)
Soy sauce 1/2tbsp
Oyster sauce 3/4tbsp
Shaoxing wine 1/2tbsp
Sesame Oil 1/2tbsp
Dark Soy Sauce 1tsp
White Pepper 1/2-1tsp
Corn starch 1tbsp
[Glutinous Rice Seasoning]
Soy Sauce 1/2tbsp
Oyster sauce 3/4tbsp
Sesame Oil 1/2tbsp
Dark Soy Sauce 1tsp
White Pepper 1/2tsp
[For Saute]
Minced Garlic 6 cloves
Minced ginger 1tsp
Chinese Sausage 1
Pork Lard 1tbsp
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