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鹹蛋黃 8顆
白砂糖 100克
魚膠粉 8克
清水 70毫升
1. 大火蒸8顆鹹蛋黃10分鐘,放涼。Steam 8 salted egg yolk over high heat for 10 minutes and leave it to cool.
2. 將100克白砂糖和8克魚膠粉混合均勻。Mix 100g of granulated sugar and 8g of gelatin powder well.
3. 將70毫升水和100克無鹽奶油加熱至奶油融化,關火。Heat up 70ml of water with 100g of unsalted butter until the butter melts and turn off the heat.
4. 將魚膠粉倒入攪拌至充分融化再開火煮沸。放涼。Pour in the dry mixture and stir until the butter is well dissolved the only turn on the heat and bring it to boil. Set aside to cool.
5. 將熟鹹蛋黃打碎。Mash the cooked salted egg yolk with mixer or a fork.
6. 將25克卡士達粉,25克玉米澱粉,鹹蛋黃碎攪拌均勻。Mix 25g of custard powder, 25g of corn starch, and mashed salted egg yolk well.
7. 倒入魚膠水攪拌均勻再過篩。冰箱冷藏至少一小時。Add in cooled gelatin powder mixture, stir it well and sieve it. Refrigerate for at least one hour.
8. 將餡料分12份,30克一個。保鮮膜包起來放入冰箱冷藏。Divide the filling into 12pcs, 30g each. Cover it with cling wrap and keep it in the refrigerator.
9. 將160-180毫升鮮奶,5克酵母,30克白砂糖混合並攪拌均勻。Mix 160-180ml of fresh milk, 5g of yeast and 30g of granulated sugar and stir it well.
10. 將350克低筋麵粉,酵母水,5克泡打粉,25克豬油放入攪拌機裡。Place 350g of cake flour, yeast mixture, 5g of baking powder, 25g of pork lard into a mixer bowl.
11. 低速攪拌10至15分鐘。如果麵糰太濕加入5-10克麵粉,如太乾加入5-10毫升水。保鮮膜包起靜置10分鐘。Let it knead at low speed for 10-15 minutes. Add in 5-10g of flour if it's too wet or add in 5-10ml of water if it's too dry. Cover it with cling wrap and rest for 10 minutes.
12. 將麵糰分12份,50克一個。Divide the dough into 12pcs, 50g each.
13. 跟著影片的步驟製作每個小麵團。Follow the steps in the video to shape each of the dough.
14. 將麵糰擀成扁圓形,包入餡料捏實,放上包紙。Roll out the dough into a flat round shape, place a portion of the chilled filling in the center of the wrapper, then seal it up and place onto a piece of parchment paper.
15. 放置發酵一個半小時左右。大火蒸8分鐘,關火燜三分鐘再開蓋。Let them sit and ferment for about an hour and a half. Steam over high heat for 8 minutes, then turn off the heat and wait for 3 minutes before removing the lid.
16. 完成。Done.
無鹽奶油 100克
卡士達粉 25克
玉米澱粉 25克
鮮奶 160-180毫升
酵母 5克
白砂糖 30克
低筋麵粉 350克
泡打粉 5克
豬油 25克
Salted egg yolk 8pcs
Granulated sugar 100g
Gelation powder 8g
Water 70ml
Unsalted butter 100g
Custard powder 25g
Cornstarch 25g
Fresh milk 160-180ml
Yeast 5g
Granulated sugar 30g
Cake flour 350g
Baking powder 5g
Pork lard 25g
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記得按讚,分享,訂閱打開小鈴鐺才不會錯過之後的影片喔 :)
記得按讚,分享,訂閱打開小鈴鐺才不會錯過之後的影片喔 :)
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