香蘭戚風蛋糕/斑斕戚風蛋糕 Pandan Chiffon Cake

►YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcwRM2CJuQMcRlkK0vf_E9A



            斑蘭葉 5片
            水 100毫升
            蛋黃 5顆
            白砂糖 40克
            椰漿 50克
            玉米油 30毫升
            低筋麵粉 120克
            蛋白 5顆
            白砂糖 80克
            Pandan leaves 5pcs
            Water 100ml
            Egg yolk 5pcs
            Granulated sugar 40g
            Coconut milk 50g
            Corn oil 30ml
            Cake flour 120g
            Egg white 5pcs
            Granulated sugar 80g



1. 將5片斑蘭葉和100毫升水一起打拌取出斑蘭葉汁。Blend 5pcs of pandan leaves with 100ml of water and get the pandan juice.

2. 將5顆蛋黃和40克白砂糖混合均勻。Mix 5pcs of egg yolk with 40g of granulated sugar.

3. 加入50克椰漿, 斑蘭葉汁, 30毫升玉米油, 攪拌均勻。Add in 50g of coconut milk, pandan juice, 30ml of corn oil and combine all together.

4. 篩入120克低筋麵粉並攪拌均勻。Sift in 120g of cake flour and stir until no lumps in the batter.

5. 將5顆蛋白和80克白砂糖(分三次加入)打至乾性發泡。Beat 5pcs of egg white with an electric mixer and add in 80g of granulated sugar in 3 batches until stiff peaks form.

6. 將1/3的蛋白霜和麵糊拌勻後倒入剩餘的蛋白霜裡混合均勻。Mix 1/3 of meringue with the batter first and then pour it back to the meringue and mix it well.

7. 將麵糊倒入模具裡在桌上將模具輕甩幾次去除蛋糕裡的氣泡。Pour the batter into a mould and drop the mould on a table a few times to remove air bubbles in the batter.

8. 160度(上下火)烤約45分鐘。Bake at 160 degrees celsius(upper and lower) for 45 minutes.

9. 倒扣放涼。Invert it and leave it cool.

10. 跟著影片將蛋糕慢慢取出, 完成。Follow the steps in the video to remove the chiffon cake from the mould. Done.

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