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香蕉 3根 (290克)
無鹽奶油 180克 (融化)
紅糖 40克
白砂糖 80克
蛋 2顆
鮮奶 80毫升
香草精 一茶匙
低筋麵粉 190克
泡打粉 一茶匙
蘇打粉 一茶匙
鹽 半茶匙
Banana 3 (290g)
Unsalted butter 180g (melted)
Brown sugar 40g
Granulated sugar 80g
Egg 2
Fresh milk 80ml
Vanilla extract 1tsp
Cake flour 190g
Baking powder 1tsp
Baking soda 1tsp
Salt 1/2tsp
1. 烤盤抹上奶油或食用油, 鋪上烘焙紙。Grease a baking pan with butter or oil and line with baking sheet.
2. 搗爛三根香蕉。Mash 3 bananas with a fork.
3. 加入180克融化無鹽奶油, 40克紅糖, 80克白砂糖, 兩顆蛋。Add in 180g of melted unsalted butter, 40g of brown sugar, 80g of granulated sugar, 2 eggs.
4. 混合均勻。Combine all together.
5. 加入80毫升鮮奶, 一茶匙香草精並攪拌均勻。Add in 80ml of fresh milk, 1tsp of vanilla extract, and stir well.
6. 篩入190克低筋麵粉, 一茶匙泡打粉, 一茶匙蘇打粉, 半茶匙鹽。Sift in 190g of cake flour, 1tsp of baking powder, 1tsp of baking soda, and 1/2tsp of salt.
7. 將麵糊攪拌均勻。Mix the batter well.
8. 將麵糊倒入烤盤裡在桌面將烤盤輕甩幾次去除蛋糕裡的氣泡, 180度(上下火)烤約50分鐘。Pour the batter into a baking pan and drop the pan on a table a few times to remove air bubbles in the batter. Bake at 180 degrees celsius (upper and lower) for around 50 minutes.
9. 放涼一陣子。Let it cool for awhile.
10. 完成。Done.
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